
Showing posts from March, 2021

How the pandemic year has benn to me?

During this 2 years, the world has suffered one of the worst economic but also social crisis in human history ,that spread fear, anxiety and stress throughout the world, which are not easy to deal with or get over. Eventhough, I must say at the begginig it wasn't that hard to change our routine due to the Fact, we were confident and hopeful about the situation and it's solution or the time it was going to take in order to get back to normal. Nevertheless,time started passing and I realized it wasn't a quarantine any more but a 6 months enclosing and distancing situation. At that point, panic was taking me to the bottom, I couldn't concentrate because of all the stressful and apprehensive feelings, so I started practicing hobbies or developing physical skills: dancing, singing, skating, reading a book, to stay active and stop wasting my time; as soon as I felt Complete or auto-sufficient a year had passed.